business divorce
Even the most closely held companies and family owned businesses can become dysfunctional because of power, money, and ego. These changes in culture can happen because of illness, death, or frankly, disinterest in continuing the business. Yet, successfully and smoothly managing change, overcoming dysfunction or dissolving a relationship requires more than a lawyers’ skill. It requires compassion and an understanding of what’s at stake for each party involved. You’ll find that skill and compassion here, as we help you navigate around and past the rocky shoals of partnership disputes.
Representative cases include:
- Represented owner and manufacturer and wholesaler of fly fishing flies against foreign business partner and U.S. competitor involving trademark, trade dress, breach of fiduciary duty, and defamation claims for $10 million and injunctive relief. Confidential settlement.
- Represented owner in healthcare software and consulting company against business partners involving breach of fiduciary duty and contract claims. Confidential settlement.
- Represented physician in negotiated resolution of partnership interest in physician practice group.
- Represented real estate agent against real estate broker for breach of contract and quantum meruit after separating from working relationship with broker. The arbitrator ordered broker to pay money damages to client and attorney’s fees and costs.
“Over the years, I have worked with many excellent and thorough attorneys. Ms. Heekin is at the top of that list. Her knowledge of electronic discovery is a competitive advantage to her clients.”